Suitable for all!
Any building or house requires regular facade or siding maintenance to preserve its integrity. It can also require sporadic remodeling, restoration & renovation.
MIDDELO is ideal for those professionals who require to measure vertical surfaces with a good level of precision to calculate the exact area to be painted or repaired, in order to estimate the amount of materials, time and costs needed to perform the construction project.
It can be used by construction companies, engineers, architects, exterior contractors, handymans, construction masters & more.
Some of these maintanace activities can be:
MIDDELO is ideal for professionals and companies dedicated to perform exterior projects on buildings, houses and more, who requiere to measure the exact dimension or area where their products need to be installed.
Some of theses activities can include:
Many construction projects require internal or external audits.
MIDDELO is ideal to assist these professionals (construction auditors or inspectors) on measuring any vertical surface with a good level of precision to verify the project progress & compliance compared to the timelines and costs stablished at the beginning of the project.
MIDDELO can also be used for one time projects.
Usually these projects are being performed by homeowners or DIYs, who require to measure the siding or the facade in order to calculate the amount of materiales they require to perform their project.
Available in the App Store in English & Spanish.
Use MIDDELO during the whole project life cycle!
With MIDDELO calculate the area of a facade in order to estimate how much paint you need to paint the building, or the dimension of a window in order to calculate how much silicone you require to seal it.
Download our automatic reports with all the measurements in order to easily estimate the correct amount of materials needed to complete
With MIDDELO calculate the area of a facade in order to estimate how much paint you need to paint the building, or the dimension of a window in order to calculate how much silicone you require to seal it.
Download our automatic reports with all the measurements in order to easily estimate the correct amount of materials needed to complete the project, and prepare your material takeoff reports with the total cost of your project.
MIDDELO, your automated material calculator!
Use MIDDELO to calculate accurate measurements and generate precise quotes for your clients.
Don't lose a deal due to a bigger calculation on the size of the facade, which will represent a higher price compared to your competitors.
And stop loosing money due to a lower measurement than the real one that will represent extra costs for the pr
Use MIDDELO to calculate accurate measurements and generate precise quotes for your clients.
Don't lose a deal due to a bigger calculation on the size of the facade, which will represent a higher price compared to your competitors.
And stop loosing money due to a lower measurement than the real one that will represent extra costs for the project not included in your proposal.
We know you spend a lot of your time performing this activity, with no warranty that you will get the job. Save time with MIDDELO and invest those extra hours in getting more deals!
Performing regular progress monitoring activities is crucial to keep the project's costs and timeline on track.
Use MIDDELO to measure regularly the areas and dimensions that have been completed and compare to the timeline established in the proposal.
Don't get caught at the end of the project with a hole on the project´s finances or with a non-compliance on the delivery times.
Whether you need to perform internal audits or the project requires external audits, MIDDELO will assist you in this activity.
Stop performing risky maneuvers to measure complex surfaces to verify the projects progress and compliance.
Obtain the measurements quickly and accurately with MIDDELO and save your most valuable resource…time!
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